FOR ORGANIC & SMALL SPACE GARDENING!

                                                                                      By Natural Health Researcher Janet Vargas



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 I'm not an expert but I find some excellent INFO from those who are!


5th - 10th January 2016


Because this is a Hobby-Site, content is Coming for this Page but the Pages are on the Menu to let you know what’s coming!

I have several websites – Natural Health…..Inspirational…..WebCards…..I have placed lots of pages on full  of content for the pleasure of others. That has taken an immense amount of time and dedication. I love making websites! Please appreciate, this particular Site is not one of commitment but sharing a passion I am actually catching up with and making time for. Thought I would like to share things 

as I go in a more restful way. Enjoy!


10th Dec 2015 is the Commencement date for Janets Gardening Tips.

You may have found this Site early…..this way you know it’s here!


Brewing Boogie Brew Compost Tea

I will show you how I brew a small batch of Boogie Brew compost tea, and the other goodies that I add to it. I hope you enjoy and I fully encourage you to make your own compost tea to feed your soil! It is time to ditch the chemical fertilizers. There is absolutely no need for them. They are harmful to your soil and the environment. Make your own compost at home and make tea from it, or, if you are lazy like I am, you can get yourself a bag of Boogie Brew and be off and running to the tastiest, most nutrient rich fruits and veggies 

that you could ever eat! 


Chemicals are reaaly not for your plants, your soil or your health.

They are usually unbalanced and cause defienciencies of Vital Nutrients!